In the illustrated books released with the first series of toys and drawn by Alfredo Alcala. He-Man is a barbarian from an Eternian tribe. The planet's inhabitants are dealing with the aftermath of the Great Wars, which devastated the civilizations that once ruled supreme over all lesser beings. The Wars left behind advanced machinery and weaponry known only to select people. An early incarnation of the Sorceress of Castle Grayskull gives He-Man some of these weapons, and he sets out to defend the secrets of Castle Grayskull from the evil villain Skeletor. He-Man possesses one half of the Power Sword; the second half is possessed by Skeletor, who uses it as his main weapon. When joined, the two halves of the Power Sword will provide the key to Castle Grayskull. This is why the two figures' swords could combine into one sword, when the action figures were initially released. In one early illustrated story, He-Man and Skeletor actually united their two Power Sword halves to form the true Power Sword in order to defeat a common enemy. * He-Man and the Power Sword (1981) * King of Castle Grayskull (1981) * Battle in the Clouds (1981) * The Vengeance of Skeletor (1981) * The Magic Stealer! (1982) * He-Man Meets Ram-Man (1982) * The Ordeal of Man-E-Faces (1982) * The Terror of Tri-Klops (1982) * The Menace of Trap Jaw (1982) * The Tale of Teela (1982) * The Power of... Point Dread! (1982) * Siege of Avion (1983) * Dragon's Gift (1983) * Masks of Power (1983) * He-Man and the ...
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